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Urgent tender services
You want to win an important tender, but the tender requires that your business be AS/NZS ISO 9001, AS/NZS ISO 14001 and//or AS/NZS ISO 45001 certified or at least actively working towards ISO certification or accreditation.
Ensafe experts will quickly put you on the right track to win that tender!
Having an ISO certification is almost always a prerequisite when tendering for government and some private organisation contracts. It may well make the difference between winning and losing a tender - and in a tough and competitive market you cannot afford to lose.

The problem is that getting ISO certification is a costly and lengthy process, which can take months, even if you are a small business. Developing your ISO management systems, then preparing for your certification and waiting until the certification body does its bit may take weeks or months.

Contrary to this, Ensafe Group experts will roll up their sleeves and work quickly to ensure that you are capable of demonstrating that you are working towards certification.
This can be achieved in a matter of days – and if you are prepared to work weekends, so are we!

In this short time, our experts will develop the relevant quality, OHS and /or Environmental management systems documentation for you. At the time of your tender submission date, you will be able to demonstrate a clear path to achieving ISO certification. This, along with a Compliance Statement signed by a qualified auditor, will ensure that ISO certification will not be the barrier stopping you from submitting the tender.

After you have submitted the tender, there is time for you to implement the Management Systems on your projects, monitor the performance of the system by conducting internal audits and reviewing the system performance, and then you are ready for your certification audit.
ISO documentation preparation for tender submission process
The process for this service is as follows:
  1. Once you get the tender documentation requirements regarding the quality, OHS and/or environmental management systems, submit the tender documents to [email protected]
  2. Ensafe experts will review the requirements and advise the type of documentation required. Ensafe Group has pre-written management systems documentation ready to be customised for your organisation.
  3. You purchase and download the recommended documentation from and save those as your master copy.
  1. You customise the documents or ask Ensafe experts to do for you, we prefer that you do it as this process will get you involved with the development and that will help you to implement and down the road get prepared for the certification process. The customisation process is easy and doesn't take long.
  2. Once the documents are customised, submit them by email to Ensafe to get reviewed by a qualified auditor. The auditor if satisfied will provide you with a Compliance Statement.
  3. Then you are ready to submit your tender together with your management system and the compliance statement. Having the system and the compliance statement you will be ahead of your competitors.
To get this service email to [email protected] or call to 1300 729 881

Please note the compliance statement does not replace the need of your system be certified by an independent third party Certifier. Ensafe Group does not provide this service; but can provide you with a list of qualified certifiers.
Contact Us
4 Tucker Place Edensor Park NSW 2176 Australia
About Us
Ensafe Group is the one stop shop for Australian construction contractors looking for quick & easy OHS/WHS, environmental and quality compliance documentation.
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