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How To Win That Important Tender by getting your Management Systems ISO certified
You want to win an important tender, but the tender requires that your business is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and / or ISO 45001 certified or at least actively working towards ISO certification. What do you do? Or where do you go?
Ensafe experts will quickly jump on the rescue and put you on the right track to win that tender and get your management systems, ISO certified.

If you have purchased Ensafe’s Management systems documents, you are more than halfway of getting the ISO certification.

Ensafe Group has partnered with Accredited organisations to JAS-ANZ, to assist you with the certification of your management systems
ISO Certification
ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System
ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System
ISO 45001:2018
Occupational Health & Safety Management System
Getting your Management Systems ISO Certified the easy way
Having an ISO certification is almost always a prerequisite when tendering for government and private organisations contracts. It may well make the difference between winning and losing a tender - and in a tough and competitive market you cannot afford to lose.

The problem is that getting ISO certification is a costly and lengthy process, which can take months, even if you are a small business.

Developing your ISO management systems, then preparing for your certification and waiting until the certification body does its bit may take weeks or months
Contrary to this, if you have purchased Ensafe’ Management Systems, you are ready to show that you are working towards ISO certification. This can be achieved in a matter of days:
  • 1st - place an application to get your Management systems ISO certified with an accredited certifier organisation.
  • 2nd - obtain a letter from certifier stating that ISO certification is in process. This will ensure that ISO certification will not be the barrier stopping you from submitting the tender.
  • 3rd – submit your tender attaching the letter from certifier and your documented management system
The Certification Process
Stage 1
Gap analysis Audit
The gap analysis audit determines if the mandatory requirements of a particular standard are being met and if the management system is capable of proceeding to stage 2.

The Gap analysis audit reviews the client’s management system documentation, this a desk top audit.
Stage 2
Certification Audit
The certification audit determines the effectiveness of the system and seeks to confirm that the management system is implemented and operational.

The certification audit take place at client’s premises and may include visit to various worksites to evidence the implementation of the management system.

Before certification is granted, all nonconforming and corrective actions raised at stages 1 and 2 must be addressed.
Stage 3
Annual surveillance Audit
The purpose of surveillance audit is to verify that the certified management system continues to fulfill requirements of the ISO standards.

Surveillance audits are to be conducted at least once a year, with the 1st surveillance audit scheduled at least 12 months from the last day of the certification audit.
Stage 4
Re-certification Audit
The recertification audit is to occur every three years from the original certification of the client’s management system.
To get your management systems certified, email us at [email protected] or call us on 1300 729 881
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4 Tucker Place Edensor Park NSW 2176 Australia
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Ensafe Group is the one stop shop for Australian construction contractors looking for quick & easy OHS/WHS, environmental and quality compliance documentation.
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