You want to get prequalification by your client as Selected Contractor or Panel so you can tender for their works, but to meet their contract obligations and to be selected as a Contractor you are required to provide verification that you have:
an occupational health and safety management system which is consistent with AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 and OHS legislation; and/or
an environmental management system which is consistent with AS/NZS ISO14001:2016 and environmental legislation; and/or
a quality management system which is consistent with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016.
To satisfy the above:
you either need to have your management Systems certified to ISO standards by a qualified 3rd party organisation; or
you are required to provide a COMPLIANCE STATEMENT completed by a suitably qualified independent third party assessor.
The problem with the 1st option is that getting an ISO certification is a costly and lengthy process, which can take months, even if you are a small business. Developing your ISO management systems, then preparing for your certification and waiting until the certification body does its bit may take weeks or months.
The 2nd option, provision of Compliance Statement is quicker, cheaper and acceptable by most organisations; this option provides evidence that your Quality, OHS and/or Environmental Management systems is compliant to required Australian standards and OHS and/or environmental legislative requirements.
Based on the evidence provided, your client will determine whether your organisation fulfils the quality, OHS and/or environmental contractual requirements.
Ensafe Group provides services to review your existing management systems and provide you with the Compliance Statement signed by a qualified assessor.